Begitu menginjak tanggal 28 April setiap tahunnya, hadir dua rasa yang menyelinap ke dalam raga. senang & khawatir...
Senang karena alhamdulillah aq telah diberi kesempatan untuk hidup satu tahun lagi, mencoba mengumpulkan bekal untuk dibawa pulang ke akhirat nanti.
Khawatir karena aq tak yakin kalau 30 tahun yang telah ku jalani selama ini bermanfaat atau tidak, mengundang ridho Illahi atau tidak, dan sampai berapa lama lagi aku akan tinggal di dunia yang indah & fana ini...who knows...
anyway...merasakan hari kelahiran di negeri orang yang notabene jauh dari keluarga itu sangatlah berbeda. mana hari ini gw setengah harian di kampus..ngajar INDN jam 2 trus kuliah Applix jam 5...baru pulang jam 8.30 malem...whuihh...sekarang ini aq baru kurang menikmati hari Senin :( padahal semester kemaren, keadaannya bertolak belakang. Senin gw libur man!!!!!!
sutra lah...segala sesuatu kan tidak akan terus menetap di tempat yang sama...maksud loe? maksud pengen kalo hari ultah gw tuh, bisa gw rayakan secara khusus sama suami gw disini...tapi...apa daya...kali ini gw mengalami perayaan ultah yang rada aneh...
tapiiii, gw gak kecewa karena hari ini gw banyak dapetin ucapan2 selamat & do'a2 yang indah dari orangtua tersayang, ade yg ganteng, sahabat2 di Indo (Debby & Yayah), dan jugaaaa temen2 ISABne, APS classic. makasih buanyak ya semuaaaa...thanks a lot!
so...biasanya kalo di Rawasari..pas lagi gw ultah...papa & mama dah cari kue black forest di beberapa toko2 yg menurut gw menjual kue2 yg eunak2 :p dan pada malam harinya, semua anggota keluarga ngumpul di ruang tengah lalu memberi ucapan selamat ultah ke gw diiringi dengan pemotongan kue. cukup simpel seh..tapi rasanya itu loh...bahagia & seneng banget.. abis itu gw yang bakalan dapet potongan kue terbesar, lengkap dengan segala hiasan kue2nya, hi..hi..hi...
mmm, mungkin hari ini papa tidak perlu cape2 keliling cari black forest lagi yah pah...tapi kalo tahun depan kk dah balik, black forestnya minta dua yah ;-)
jika diijinkan memohon, hanya satu yang gw pinta di hari bahagia ini. semoga Allah selalu membahagiakan orang2 yang gw sayangi & cintai selamanya :)
akhir kata...."selamat ulang tahun my love & sweet (mmuaahh). semoga Allah SWT selalu memberkahi hidup kita & memberikan keturunan yang soleh & solehah...amin ya robbal alamin" dari suamiku tersayang (terima kasih yang...)
Robbi auzi'ni an asykuro ni'matakallati an'amta 'alayya wa 'ala waalidayya wa an na'mala solihan tardhohu wa'adkhilni birahmatika fi 'ibaadika assholihin...
terima kasih banyak ya Allah
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
amazing children
subhanallah Allahuakbar
jadi pengen cepet2 punya anak :D
(ilmu mendidik anaknya juga harus dikaji lagi dong han!)
i know .. i know... thanx for the reminder
Friday, April 11, 2008
Sekilas tentang "CALL evaluation"
Today’s world is equipped with technological products that help humans fulfilling their needs. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) software (stand alone or network basis) is one of the technological products that can be used in teaching-learning process. In order to get benefits of this products teacher should understand features offered by the products, one of the way is through evaluation. From the evaluation, teacher may have software’s general information and then be able to choose the appropriate software for their teaching setting. There are many evaluation criteria available on books, journals, articles and the internet that can be used by teachers to evaluate their software. In this essay, the writer chooses two evaluation criteria offered by Claire Bradin and Evalutech website which can be used by high school Arabic teachers in Indonesia to evaluate their existing software.
For the last one year, I have worked in language teacher training institution in Jakarta. Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japan, Dutch, Chinese (Mandarin), English and French teachers are trained in the institution annually. My department, Arabic language, conducts three trainings three in a year for high school Arabic language teachers. The trainings conducted from basic, intermediate and advanced level gradually. In intermediate and advanced level teachers are given CALL software trainings. In this session, student-teachers are introduced to several CALL software which can be used in their schools and, of course, they are trained how to use it.
Most of the time, CALL software trainers choose software which is run in Windows operating system, inexpensive, applicable to many computers, and most of them do not require internet access since most of computers in the student-teachers’ schools do not have internet connection. From the trainings that I have attended, the trainers and the student-teachers did not evaluate the content of the software whether it suits or not with pedagogical goals. The criteria purposed by Bradin (ref) and Evalutech website would help the trainers and the student-teachers to choose appropriate software that meet pedagogical goals and learner needs.
Bradin (1999) tried to offer several evaluation criteria which can help teacher before using the CALL software. For me, the criteria is easy to understand and can measure the quality of the software. The first criterion is feasibility. The feasibility criterion covers the basic principles in using the software. Specification of computer, computer network, internet connection, software prize, and its ability to be used by many computers are covered in feasibility criteria. These criteria are very important since no matter how good the software is but it can not be used in the available computers and its prize is unaffordable it is useless. The internet connection is also important to get the most recent software’s information nevertheless, not many schools in Indonesia have internet access. The second criterion is quality. In this criterion the teacher has to evaluate the content, format and operation of the software. All of these criteria help the teacher to know whether the software meet pedagogical goals, learner need, and user-friendly.
The evaluation criteria in Evalutech website are more detailed than Bradin’s. In the content criteria, Evalutech offers three categories that should be evaluate in CALL software. The categories are accuracy (deals with unbiased and up to date information, grammatical correctness, authority, author’s and website’s reputation, and available contact number or current address), appropriateness with learner ability and pedagogical goals, and scope of software’s information. The technical aspects in Evalutech are similar to operation criteria in Bradin article. In my opinion, Bradin and Evalutech criteria can help Arabic language teachers in choosing the appropriate CALL software for their learning environment.
Based on the above strengths, I use Bradin’s and Evalutech’s criteria in creating CALL software evaluation form. Beside that, I also add one criterion, i.e. scoring, that might help teacher measuring learner proficiency and also for learner to know how far he/she has understood the materials.
The development of technology brings benefits to educational environment. CALL software is one of the benefits that can be used by teachers in teaching-learning process. There are many CALL software available online and offline with different features and prizes. As far as I know, learner is more eager to learn a language by using CALL software because it provides interesting activities that learner can choose. Therefore teacher should be able to choose the CALL software that meets pedagogical goals, learner needs and, can be used in school computers. Software evaluation criteria, especially Bradin’s and Evalutech’s, may help the teacher in choosing the appropriate software for the learners.
Nothing is perfect. There is no perfect CALL software (stand alone or network basis) that can meet the above requirements. Teacher creativity still required to fill the gap. Using more than one CALL software and interactive teaching method may improve students’ language skills.
Bradin, C. (1999). CALL Issues: Instructional Aspects of Software Evaluation (Vol. VI). Alexandria: TESOL.
For the last one year, I have worked in language teacher training institution in Jakarta. Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic, Japan, Dutch, Chinese (Mandarin), English and French teachers are trained in the institution annually. My department, Arabic language, conducts three trainings three in a year for high school Arabic language teachers. The trainings conducted from basic, intermediate and advanced level gradually. In intermediate and advanced level teachers are given CALL software trainings. In this session, student-teachers are introduced to several CALL software which can be used in their schools and, of course, they are trained how to use it.
Most of the time, CALL software trainers choose software which is run in Windows operating system, inexpensive, applicable to many computers, and most of them do not require internet access since most of computers in the student-teachers’ schools do not have internet connection. From the trainings that I have attended, the trainers and the student-teachers did not evaluate the content of the software whether it suits or not with pedagogical goals. The criteria purposed by Bradin (ref) and Evalutech website would help the trainers and the student-teachers to choose appropriate software that meet pedagogical goals and learner needs.
Bradin (1999) tried to offer several evaluation criteria which can help teacher before using the CALL software. For me, the criteria is easy to understand and can measure the quality of the software. The first criterion is feasibility. The feasibility criterion covers the basic principles in using the software. Specification of computer, computer network, internet connection, software prize, and its ability to be used by many computers are covered in feasibility criteria. These criteria are very important since no matter how good the software is but it can not be used in the available computers and its prize is unaffordable it is useless. The internet connection is also important to get the most recent software’s information nevertheless, not many schools in Indonesia have internet access. The second criterion is quality. In this criterion the teacher has to evaluate the content, format and operation of the software. All of these criteria help the teacher to know whether the software meet pedagogical goals, learner need, and user-friendly.
The evaluation criteria in Evalutech website are more detailed than Bradin’s. In the content criteria, Evalutech offers three categories that should be evaluate in CALL software. The categories are accuracy (deals with unbiased and up to date information, grammatical correctness, authority, author’s and website’s reputation, and available contact number or current address), appropriateness with learner ability and pedagogical goals, and scope of software’s information. The technical aspects in Evalutech are similar to operation criteria in Bradin article. In my opinion, Bradin and Evalutech criteria can help Arabic language teachers in choosing the appropriate CALL software for their learning environment.
Based on the above strengths, I use Bradin’s and Evalutech’s criteria in creating CALL software evaluation form. Beside that, I also add one criterion, i.e. scoring, that might help teacher measuring learner proficiency and also for learner to know how far he/she has understood the materials.
The development of technology brings benefits to educational environment. CALL software is one of the benefits that can be used by teachers in teaching-learning process. There are many CALL software available online and offline with different features and prizes. As far as I know, learner is more eager to learn a language by using CALL software because it provides interesting activities that learner can choose. Therefore teacher should be able to choose the CALL software that meets pedagogical goals, learner needs and, can be used in school computers. Software evaluation criteria, especially Bradin’s and Evalutech’s, may help the teacher in choosing the appropriate software for the learners.
Nothing is perfect. There is no perfect CALL software (stand alone or network basis) that can meet the above requirements. Teacher creativity still required to fill the gap. Using more than one CALL software and interactive teaching method may improve students’ language skills.
Bradin, C. (1999). CALL Issues: Instructional Aspects of Software Evaluation (Vol. VI). Alexandria: TESOL.
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