Monday, March 31, 2008

cahaya diatas cahaya

God is the Light
by Yusuf Islam & Raihan

How great the wonders of the heavens
And the timeless beauty of the night
How great – then how great the Creator?
And its stars like priceless jewels
Far beyond the reach of kings
Bow down for the shepherd guiding him home.

But how many eyes are closed
To the wonder of this night?
Like pearls, hidden, deep beneath a dark
Stream of desires.
But like dreams vanish with the call to prayer
And the dawn extinguishes night – here too are signs.
God is the Light - God is the Light

How great the beauty of the Earth and the creatures
Who dwell on her.
How great – then how great the Creator?
As its mountains pierce the clouds
High above the lives of men
Weeping rivers for thousands of years.

But how many hearts are closed
To the wonders of this sight?
Like birds in a cage, asleep with closed wings
But like work stops with the call to prayer
And the birds reside – here too are signs
God is the Light – God is the Light

How great the works of man and the things he makes
How great – then how great the Creator?
Though he strives to reach the heavens
He can barely survive
The wars of the world he lives in.

Yet, how many times he’s tried,
Himself to immortalise?
Like his parents before him in the Garden of Eden
But like the sun sets with the call to prayer
And surrenders to the night here too are signs
God is the Light Everlasting
God is the Light Everlasting
God is the Light Everlasting
God is the Light Everlasting

I love this song very much, it always remind me of ALLAH SWT and His rahmaan & raheem.
Subhanallah walhamdulillah wa laa ilaha illallah Allahu Akbar

  • Lyrics from
  • Picture from

Monday, March 24, 2008

mid-semester break..are you sure?

walaupun mid-semester break judulnya...gak ada bedanya ama hari2 kuliah biasanya...tugas numpux..bikin gw makin pusing tujuh keliling aja :((

mana yang harus dikerjakan duluan???
rencana hari ini mau ngerjain book review utk mata kuliah applied linguistics & language studies...tapi begitu ngeliat buku yg mau direview itu ada 300 halaman lebih..jadi ciut nyali gw...mau cari buku yg rada tipisan, kalah cepet, dah dipinjem semua ama org lain..walhasil harus tetap bertahan dng bukunya Grabe & Kaplan...oooo goshhhh....

((tugas2 yg lain gimana)..??? don't remind me about it please.......i'll do it!! i have to do it!!! i'll promise!

terbang ke Indonesia dulu ahh....

ade sepertinya lg sendirian di jakarta, gw di Brissi, papa & mama ada di yg besar pasti akan terjadi...
mau tinggal dimana de? jakarta atau ambon? atau mau pindah ke negara lain? he..he..he...
kalo gw...dah mesti harus balik ke P4TK Bahasa stlh menyelesaikan study di UQ...mau gak mau...eit, emang mau balik koq...i don't have any plan at all to stay at St.Lucia :p i still love my matter how unpredictable its situation is....sekali Indonesia tetep Indonesia :))

ngomong2 ttg negara sendiri...insya Allah Rabu ini (26 Maret 2008) gw & temen2 UQISA (organisasinya mahasiswa Indonesia yg sekolah di UQ) diundang utk memainkan angklung di Griffith Uni dlm rangka merayakan National Harmony Day (semoga keharmonisa teteap ada di negara kangguru ini...amin...). Alhamdulillah sebelumnya angklungers (para pemain angklung) juga telah diundang oleh penyelenggara yg sama di multi-faith seminar di Mt.Gravat.
dulunya seh padahal cuma iseng2 aja...ngisi2 waktu sambil nunggu suami nyusul ke tau2nya kepincut & sampe skrng masih seneng banget ngegoyang nada sol :p & suami dng senang hati melepas kepergianku utk latihan & manggung...jadi makin sayang & cinta....hi..hi..hi....

balik ke book review lagi yuk...1/2 jam lagi jam belajar abis & saatnya cinderalla beranjak ke peraduan...

Picture from